so yesterday I decided to start working on it all over again, but obviously I kept all the controls I had already made and simply deleted the IKs, pole vectors and fixed my joints so that they had 0 rotation values.
The first thing I tried to fix this issue was to go to mesh and use the create polygon tool, and snapped it to my 3 joints(shoulder,elbow and wrist) I'm not gonna go through every single step, but in the end I snapped my ctrl Pole vector to my plane's vertices, the one that was snapped to the elbow, so now my ctrl pole vector was aligned(sort of) with my elbow joint, after that I applied the pole vector constrain and I saw an improvements, the rotations were much smaller this time but it wasn't perfect(it needs to be perfect in order for the IK FK switch to work). this method only works 90% in my opinion.
After that semi fail attempt I tried a second method which is using Locators and a few constrains, this method take little longer than the last one but it is much more efficient.
in the end I applied the pole vector constrains and it worked!! :D my joinst had no rotation values and all my joints were aligned correctly, I did the same for the other arm and I had no problems, so I would say this method works 99% of the time.
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